Why should you select Hair Transplant Surgery

The hair transplant procedure is a final decision when someone is affected by the pattern of hair loss or genetic baldness. The procedure of hair restoration is performed by doing the hair root transfer process in which hair grafts are extracted from the safe donor part of the scalp, i.e., the back and sides of the scalp that are further implanted into the affected balding areas of the scalp. According to the process, it is just a two-way process in which firstly, the roots are extracted, either by the FUT or through the FUE technique and finally, the implantation of hair roots are performed in which recipient areas are fully get covered with the live hair roots. The procedure needs utmost precision and perfection in order to meet the best cosmetic goal of the surgery.

Nowadays, the hair transplant in Bangalore is one of the top pop-ups on Google due to searching of the best option to receive the procedure in terms of the right hair transplant clinic, the surgeon and the cost as well. But, the fact is that most of the surgeries are performed in Jaipur and Delhi and because of this India has a significant place in providing the hair transplant surgery.

How is it performed?

Firstly, the live hair roots/grafts are extracted from the safe donor part of the scalp, either by the FUT or the FUE and finally that is implanted into the recipient balding part of the scalp followed by hair root dissection.

Procedure in the FUT Hair Transplant:

The strip of the skin is excised from the occipital & parietal part of the scalp followed by simple incision and suture. A linear incision is made to harvest the strip and then the strip allowed extracting the needed number of grafts to fulfil the restoration goal of the surgery. The extracted hair roots are dissected under the higher magnification of microscopes that makes the possibility of obtaining the maximum number of graft survival in order to do the task of the placement. The FUT technique gives only the permanent hair roots as the extraction of hair roots are targeted from the safe donor part of the scalp. The dissection of hair roots that is quite possible in the FUT technique helps in receiving the maximum possible number of viable hair grafts with a rare chance of damage. The expertise of technicians also confirms the viability of the grafts and a surgeon gets able to meet the aesthetic demand of the surgery.

Procedure in the FUE Hair Transplant:

The FUE or the follicular unit extraction is performed by using the manual or motorized punching, in which individual hair root targeted at a single time. However, every single hair root is extracted at every single time that can only fulfil the need for a lesser grade of Norwood baldness. The FUE hair restoration is based on random punching processes or the dynamic punches in which speculation or forecasting ability of a surgeon is used primarily in order to extract every single graft in a single time.

The Aesthetic part of the surgery:

The aesthetic part of the surgery includes the hairline design, slit creation, and implantation task in which artistry is involved at a greater extent decides the success of the hair transplant procedure. The aesthetic part of the surgery is all same as applied in the same serial, whether the technique of hair restoration is a FUT hair transplant or the FUE. In order to meet the aesthetic demand of the surgery, it is mandatory to choose the best hair transplant surgeon having proficiency in performing the restoration surgery and given a number of successful results in the hair loss fraternity.

Why should you choose Hair Transplant?

  1. This is the hair restoration procedure that makes the possibility of receiving the DHT-resistant hair roots and that’s why one gets able to receive the permanent results of the procedure. Thus, it is a permanent solution to the problem of genetic hair loss.
  2. The hair transplant surgery is a painless and scarless cosmetic surgery as it is performed by using the local anaesthesia prior to restoration procedure, which makes the procedure painless up to 10-12 hours and so it is the procedure that is free from hassle or discomfort.
  3. The hair transplant surgery is scarless if the advanced closure technique of the Trichophytic closure has been applied to perform the procedure with the FUT hair transplant technique.
  4. The procedure of hair restoration is free from any kind of side effect or discomfort. Thus, it is a safe and infection-free cosmetic procedure, which gives the best natural results of the procedure.
  5. It is an affordable option now as a number of hair transplant centres in India are providing a budget-cost procedure helps the economic class of masses to avail the best benefits of the plastic & cosmetic surgery.
  6. One can get the best aesthetic results by obtaining the utmost natural hairline design and the best implantation of the grafts according to natural hair growth.


In the nutshell, we can say that the procedure of extremely requires the proficiency and expertise on the part of the performing surgeon as it is more about aesthetic concern rather than the surgical involvement, yet the procedure requires perfection in both the concern. And, the performing surgeon must have dual expertise in order to meet the desired cosmetic goal of the surgery.


About the author

Medispa India is internationally recognized for providing world’s best aesthetic Hair Transplantation and other Cosmetic Surgery Services under one single roof globally. Our clinics are equipped with state of the art infrastructure with the world’s best technologies.

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