Why FUT+FUE combine method considered the best for hair transplantation?

Why FUT+FUE combine method considered the best for hair transplantation?

Hair loss patients sometimes ignore the early indicators of hair loss and worry when the bald region becomes visible. People suffering from hair loss first rely on natural therapies, which may be effective in certain situations for a short period of time. Nothing appears to work in the case of pattern baldness, and the patient becomes tired.

In those cases, hair transplantation can save a person’s life by covering the bald area and preventing embarrassment in social and professional situations. However, no procedure has been identified to date that can stop the trend of hair loss, not even hair transplant.

Hair transplant technique

FUT and FUE are the two most used methods for extracting hair transplant grafts. These procedures each have their own set of indications and restrictions, depending on which they are selected and chosen for the patient. The number of grafts required to harvest is a critical aspect in determining their utilisation by the patient. When 3000-3500 hair grafts are required, the FUT hair transplant procedure is used extensively. On the other hand, FUE is recommended when 2000-2500 grafts are required, particularly in early bald instances and facial hair transplants.

Medispa clinic is one of the top clinics for hair transplant in India, providing all necessary facilities in accordance with international standards. The hair transplant cost in India is incredibly inexpensive, and we maintain excellent standards of quality at such a low cost. We have the greatest and most diverse team of professional personnel in India who are dedicated to providing the best care to our patients. Dr. Suneet Soni, the founder of Medispa hair transplant clinic, is a well-known and skilled hair transplant surgeon who has successfully completed over 5000 procedures. His incredible aesthetic vision and surgical talents have made him a favourite of both foreign and national patients.

What happens when higher number of grafts requires?

In advanced cases of baldness, such as the Norwood VI and VII classes, where one procedure is insufficient to provide the requisite quantity of grafts, a combined approach of FUT and FUE is recommended.

Previously, numerous sittings were required, but this procedure is now very successful in extracting a greater number of grafts in a single session. Based on the quantity of grafts necessary in a single session, the combination procedure utilises both FUT and FUE.

Indications or selection of patients for combination technique of FUT+FUE

The combination procedure is a boon to the hair transplant industry since it may effectively produce cosmetic outcomes as well as enough coverage in vast bald situations. Listed below are a few of the indications for this hair transplant technique:

  1. Extensive baldness or advanced baldness situations requiring a large number of grafts
  2. When the donor supply is insufficient
  3. When increasing baldness after a single hair transplant treatment is a problem
  4. When it is desirable to have a high density hair transplant

Since years, medispa clinics for hair transplant in Delhi and Jaipur have specialised in conducting FUE+FUT combo procedure. Dr Suneet Soni pioneered this procedure, which incorporates bio stimulation, in Delhi and Jaipur. Since then, we have been a pioneer in implementing this surgery, turning many dreams of widespread bald instances into reality. He successfully completes this treatment with a graft damage rate of 1%, which only an adept surgeon could do.

Significance of combination technique of FUT and FUE?

  1. The combination approach allows for the harvesting of the greatest amount of hair follicular grafts, which is not achievable with either procedure alone. The surgeon can harvest around 4000 hair transplants in a single session to provide maximal coverage in situations of extreme baldness. FUT can harvest 3000-3500 grafts, which can then be followed by FUE to remove the remaining amount of grafts.
  2. The most desirable importance is the provision of hair follicular graft preservation for future sittings despite harvesting the greatest number of grafts in a single session without breaking the safe zone.
  3. This strategy eliminates the disadvantages of each technique while maximising the benefits of each technique. Harvesting a very thin strip of scalp tissue and executing trichophytic closure in the FUT procedure eliminates scarring and makes it virtually unnoticeable. In addition, using the FUE procedure to harvest a small quantity of grafts lowers follicle damage.
  4. Both single and multiple grafts are extracted in sufficient quantities to be selected and implanted at the appropriate place while retaining aesthetics and broader coverage.

As a result, using this approach, we can assure that hair loss patients with significant baldness acquire nice covering in a single session, with the option of more sittings in the future.

If you have significant baldness and want the finest outcomes for yourself, schedule an appointment with Medispa to make your goal a reality.

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