Which Technique is Better FUT or FUE Hair Transplant

Which Technique is Better FUT or FUE Hair Transplant

There are two scientifically proven methods are employed in the hair transplant surgery, namely, the FUT hair transplant and the FUE hair transplant. The technique selection in the procedure is wholly and solely decided by the state of baldness, age of the patient, and the donor area’s status as well as the reason for baldness. However, it is needed to receive the primary consultation before going for restoration surgery. The hair transplant in India allows a patient to receive the restoration surgery at an affordable cost and one can also avail the benefits of the expert treatment and advice.

Which technique would be suitable in your case of baldness is decided by the Primary consultation with your surgeon that further reveals many things as follows:

  1. What is the Grade of Baldness: The Grade of baldness is the extent of hair loss that is measured on the scale termed as the Norwood grade of baldness. There are 7 categories of Norwood baldness that explains the extent of hair loss in terms of a particular grade or class. If a patient is affected by a higher grade of baldness, i.e., NW-IV, V, VI or VII; the FUT technique is allowed and on the other hand, the FUE technique is allowed when someone is affected by a lesser grade of baldness, i.e., NW-I, II or III. What grade your baldness is only decided by the initial consultation in which surgeon analyse the extent of hair loss in terms of the Norwood state.
  2. The Donor area’s Status: What is the status of donor area confirmed through the primary consultation that explains the donor’s status in terms of their content of hair follicles, density as well as the calibre of hair at a particular site. If a patient is affected by the autoimmune disorder like spot baldness or the Alopecia areata, it is also confirmed by the primary evaluation. However, it gets easier to decide the particular technique of the restoration once a surgeon assured about the patient’s donor status. If a donor area, i.e., the back sides of the scalp are in a healthy status then it becomes easier to perform the FUT technique of hair transplants. The weak donor area doesn’t allow the strip method and thus the FUE technique is performed in such a particular case of baldness.

How FUT Technique is better than the FUE Hair Transplant?

It is always good and worthy to receive the FUT technique no matter what the state of baldness or what the age of the patient is! The FUT technique is advisable in almost all cases of baldness if the patient is above the age of 25. Thus, it is significant to see the age of the patient if they wish to receive the hair transplant surgery. The strip method or the FUT technique is performed by excising the strip of the skin from the safe donor areas of the scalp, which further dissected into the individual hair follicle and primarily implanted into the recipient balding areas of the scalp. On the other hand, the FUE technique is performed by individual punching of hair root via the motorized or manual punching based on dynamic manner. Every graft is extracted in every single time, which automatically reduces the capacity of hair root extraction in a particular session.

The Benefits of FUT Hair Transplant:  

  1. The Higher Grade of Baldness: The strip method of the surgery that successfully made the possibility of extraction of such a high number of grafts to fulfil the demand for a higher grade of baldness. The grade of baldness is rated on the Norwood scale and if it comes between the ranges of the IV to VII, the FUT technique is recommended.
  2. The high-density: By providing a number of hair roots, the FUT hair transplant surgery fulfils the demand for high-density hair transplants. Thus, FUT technique is primarily recommended when it is needed to perform the high-density hair transplants.
  3. The Permanent Hair roots: This is the FUT hair transplant that only offers the permanent hair roots because of the excision of the strip from the safe donor part of the scalp. The safe donor area contains the DHT-resistant hair roots that never show the effect of miniaturization or hair loss and thus gives the permanent results in terms of permanent hair roots.

So, it is always good to receive the hair FUT hair transplant rather than the FUE technique of the procedure if wish to receive the best cosmetic goal of the surgery.

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