When PRP Therapy is allowed for Hair Loss

The PRP is an acronym of platelet-rich plasma that induces the hair growth by stimulating the stem cells as well as other cells of the hair follicles. The PRP treatment is an option in the hair restoration world that can control the further hair loss until the therapy is being continued with a certain gap or interval. The PRP treatment is generally allowed for those patients who don’t fulfill the required criteria to receive the hair restoration procedure and acts as an alternate option to combat hair loss.

The hair transplant procedure now evolved with certain modification as well as advancement in surgery by following the particular methods of extraction/harvesting of hair roots with a session followed by the PRP injection to make the surgical procedure a bio-effective.

The hair transplant procedure option in Jaipur and Delhi offers you the best treatment plan with the budget-surgery option, whereas the hair transplant in Pune, Bangalore, and Kolkata is a bit costly option.

Nowadays, the procedure of hair transplant, either the technique is FUT or FUE is followed by the injection of PRP before starting the surgical procedure make it bio-friendly, which induces the hair growth as well as adding the bio-technique attribute that promotes the growth of hair roots effectively.

What is PRP?

In the process of PRP therapy, the growth factor of blood, i.e., platelets in their concentrated form are separated from the blood plasma followed by the centrifugal action and injected into the hair loss affected areas to stimulate the hair follicles to grow and inhibit the further loss of hair. It provides strength to the miniaturized hair follicles and makes them stronger and healthier.

When is PRP Therapy allowed to combat Hair Loss?

  • PRP is allowed when a patient is underage to receive the restoration procedure
  • It can be continued when hair loss is occurring due to the temporary and external factors, such as stress, autoimmune disorders, chronic illness, etc.
  • PRP can allow along with the techniques of extraction, either the FUT or FUE to encourage the hair growth more effectively
  • When the NW grade of baldness is lesser, such as NW-II or III; PRP is allowed.

So, the treatment of hair transplantation can follow by the PRP therapy to get the double benefits of the procedure with the increasing ratio of hair growth as well as stimulating the action of hair follicles to prevent it from further miniaturization as well as inducing the hair follicles to enter the growth phase.


About the author

Medispa India is internationally recognized for providing world’s best aesthetic Hair Transplantation and other Cosmetic Surgery Services under one single roof globally. Our clinics are equipped with state of the art infrastructure with the world’s best technologies.

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