What To Expect During A Hair Transplant Procedure?

What To Expect During A Hair Transplant Procedure?

A hair transplant procedure is a significant decision that should always be made carefully. As a result, it is normal to have a lot of ifs and buts about the operation before deciding to undergo a hair transplant. There are a few extremely crucial things you should be aware of before having a hair transplant because there are many common misconceptions that could either prevent you from making the decision or cause you to expect too much from the treatment.

Due to its growing popularity as a hair loss treatment option in Delhi, the hair transplant in Delhi is now readily available. The hair transplant cost in Delhi has significantly decreased as a result of increased competition in the sector. However, the majority of clinics use ambiguous language to entice clients, which may cause them to feel unsatisfied with the procedure.

As a result, it is now crucial to have knowledge of a few things before having the treatment. Transparency and sincere advice are valued at Medispa clinics since they are essential for achieving satisfying results in addition to great results. Dr. Suneet Soni is unquestionably a skilled hair transplant surgeon, but he also believes in thoroughly explaining the procedure and setting reasonable expectations before it is done. We are one of the top hair transplant centres in India, thus it has truly paid off.

Hair transplant cosmetic surgery

A hair transplant is a restorative, minimally invasive procedure that includes moving hair follicles from a donor location chosen for its density of hair to the recipient area’s bald spot. It is a highly precise cosmetic surgery that calls for substantial knowledge and skills.

Basic factors to take into account with aesthetic hair transplant surgery include:

  1. It is strictly restorative and only moves hair follicles from one area to another; it is not a regenerative therapy that can replace lost hair follicles.
  2. It does not provide results right away; one must wait for several months to a year to see the ideal hair growth.
  3. It does not prevent future hair loss, which can still happen in scalp regions near the transplanted hairs. Yet, if correctly harvested and implanted, transplanted hairs remain permanent for the duration of the patient’s life.
  4. Because to recent technological advancements, the treatment can now produce permanent, natural results that replicate the natural hairline exactly.
  5. Hair transplant surgery is a precision-based procedure, and it is not without risk or complication if it is not carried out by skilled hands.

Steps performed during hair transplant

The following steps should be used while performing a hair transplant by a super-specialized plastic or cosmetic surgeon who is authorised and certified:

  1. Local anaesthesia administration: Before the grafts are harvested at the donor and recipient sites, local anaesthetic is given. A combination of anaesthetic drugs created by Dr. Soni must only be used once throughout the course of the treatment and doesn’t need to be given again. The effects of the cocktail anaesthetic continue for almost 12 hours.
  2. Grafts from the donor location are harvested

There are 2 main hair transplant techniques, which are distinguished in the following harvesting procedures:

FUT hair grafting (Follicular unit transplantation or strip technique): A narrow strip is harvested using the FUT or strip procedure, and it is then divided up to recover individual hair follicles. The desired recipient site is subsequently chosen for the transplantation of these recovered follicular transplants. The FUT technique is a little more difficult and requires a surgeon to have a wide range of expertise.

FUE hair transplant (Follicular unit extraction)

It involves the precise removal of each hair follicle from a sufficient distance, as well as the suitable surrounding tissues. The desired recipient’s bald area is subsequently implanted with the obtained follicular transplants. Although this method is quite easy, it takes time. Although straightforward, this treatment demands great accuracy because the follicles are removed with a punch that is blindly pushed under the scalp tissues. Incorrect insertion could harm hair follicles, which would have a detrimental impact on the outcome.

  1. Slitting the recipient area: It prepares the implantation location for transplantation after follicular grafts are harvested from the donor area using either procedure. This process needs to be done carefully because how the slitting is done affects how the results will look. To accomplish slitting of the implantation site to get the best natural results, which cannot be figured out by anybody, it takes adequate specialist abilities and sense of art.
  2. Transplantation of hair roots: The follicular grafts are then implanted at the chosen recipient site in the prepared slits after slit preparation. To ensure natural-looking results from the hair transplant, considerable attention is paid to the arrangement, alignment, and angulations of the follicular grafts.

Medispa clinic is a leader in providing the best results and is regarded as one of India’s top hair transplant clinics. We provide hair transplants in Delhi and Jaipur with top-notch natural outcomes at reasonable prices. In our clinic, we employ cutting-edge technology at every stage of the hair transplant procedure to provide outcomes that are ideal for patients. We are the largest hair transplant team in India, and our technicians are quite skilled. The director of Medispa Clinics, Dr. Suneet Soni, is renowned throughout the world for providing the best cosmetic results for hair transplants. His unmatched and remarkable ability to design hairlines produces incredibly natural results that closely mimic natural hairlines.

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