Top 10 Causes of Male Hair Loss

It is important to understand the hair growing cyclical phase that is segregated in the phase, namely; Anagen/growing, Catagen/Degradation and Telogen/resting respectively before going to assess the status of hair loss/baldness in the male. It is all obvious that the male pattern of hair loss or baldness is a direct effect of DHT (di-hydro testosterone)/Androgen, which is a male hormone and responsible for male characteristics like; beard, mustache and pitch of the voice, etc. and are sensitive to the all over the body and if they are more sensitive than the results come as a form of hair loss in males. Their effect of anomalous sensitivity causes the thinning of hairs or miniatuarization and finally taken as a hair loss or male pattern baldness.

Here we are describing the top 10 causes of male hair loss/baldness that is mostly seen as follows:-

  1. Family History: The main cause of hair loss/baldness is associated with the family history of the person that says, it is due to the genetic factor named; DHT (di-hydro testosterone)/Androgen and carried to the next generation in their offspring to show the effect of hair loss/baldness.
  2. DHT Factor: As you are reading from the above topic of family history now it is taken with more concern about the DHT factor, which is prime responsible for hair loss in males. DHT is an acronym of di-hydro testosterone, male hormone and its sensitivity to the head from the front or top part first occurs as a sign of hair thinning or miniaturization that further in the form of the male pattern of baldness. DHT randomly affect the hair loss situation in male and hair growth-cycle seriously affects with the dysfunction of this hormone.
  3. Fungal Infections: This is the main cause of hair loss in which affected zone presents the patchy spots and causes a severe hair loss.
  4. Chemotherapy: If a person is ill affected by the cancer and undergone some chemotherapy causes the hair loss and it is well treated with the application of hair transplant procedure. Medicines used during the cancer therapy weaken the hair roots and hair fall occurs.
  5. Hormonal Changes: If the person has the imbalance thyroid flow in their body that causes the hair fall and hormones of male character, adrenal is the second one most prime cause of hair loss/baldness and sensitivity dysfunction of these hormones is taken as a hereditary cause of baldness in male.
  6. Strong chemical application: It is seen and find that if people are using more chemicals for hair as a sulfate based or heavy chemical contained shampoo, gel, conditioner, hair fluid, etc. that can harm your hair more than one way. These products lead to hair shafts weak, split ends and other hair related problems.
  7. Irregular & Improper Diet: It is mandatory to have a proper balanced diet to stay healthy and to keep our hair strong and beautiful without loss or problems the healthy diet play as a key role. Your diet should include, green vegetables and spinach and salads that give you the necessary level of vitamins and proteins that is required for the growth of hair.
  8. Medication & Treatment: It is finding out that excessive use or heavy doses of pain killers or cancer treating medicines cause a severe hair loss or baldness.
  9. Stress: Stress is a state of mind which leads to chaos in thinking and the pattern of behaviour anomalously change the physiological conditions of the human body causes high BP and improper digestion that ultimately comes in the form of hair loss.
  10. Insomnia: Insomnia is a sleeping disorder in which patients complain of difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently during the night, a major cause of hair loss/baldness.

On the whole, we can say that now we got aware with the causes of hair loss/baldness in males and you must schedule a consultation with the best hair transplant surgeons, if you are facing the any of the above factors of hair loss/baldness.

About the author

Medispa India is internationally recognized for providing world’s best aesthetic Hair Transplantation and other Cosmetic Surgery Services under one single roof globally. Our clinics are equipped with state of the art infrastructure with the world’s best technologies.

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