The PRP Injection: How it helps in Hair Transplantation

The PRP Injection: How it helps in Hair Transplantation

The PRP or the platelet-rich plasma injection is actually a pure form of blood plasma protein helps in inducing the hair growth process. The PRP injection is getting prevalent in the hair restoration treatment as it makes the procedure, a bio-effective. Most of the hair transplant surgeons are now practising the most modern technique of the hair transplant surgery along with the PRP-injection helps in obtaining the best outcomes of the procedure. The hair transplant in India allows the patients to get the best benefits of the surgery by offering the bio-stimulated hair transplant technique. The PRP involvement in the procedure definition a new mode of hair transplant technique based on the encouragement and advancement in the process of hair regrowth.

What is PRP Injection?

The PRP or platelet-rich plasma injection is prepared by the patient’s own blood, which is sent to the concentration process where higher platelet counts are achieved via high centrifugal force. The PRP injection is given to the areas where the hair growth is needed and encouragement of the hair follicles get stimulated by the platelet protein. The Platelet-rich plasma helps in getting the best outcomes as it stimulated the hair growth process. If a patient is simply affected by the hair loss problem and needs the improvement in the growth process, doctor’s advice the PRP injection, but it is also advisable when a patient receives the hair transplant surgery and needs the best results in terms of the excellent regrowth process with a faster pace. The PRP also helps in the faster healing process after the hair transplant surgery as it stimulates the growth factor of the body.

The Hair Transplant Surgery followed by the PRP-injection:

The procedure of hair transplant involves the hair root transfer, either done by the FUT technique or through the FUE method. The root transferring process between the donor area and the recipient balding part of the scalp is performed by obtaining the feasible number of grafts in order to cover the respective balding areas of the scalp. The hair transplant surgery is an ultimate option to treat the pattern baldness; however, it is performed in such a way that the desired goal can be achieved with the best number of grafts and stimulated hair regrowth process.

The PRP injection to induce the Growth factor in the Hair Restoration Surgery:

The PRP injection is prepared by the patient’s own blood; hence there is no chance of side effects or discomfort. The PRP injection is successfully allowed with the hair restoration surgery as it accelerates the hair regrowth process and one can enjoy the best benefits of the procedure. One can enjoy a faster hair growth as well as a faster healing process and thus enjoy the outcomes of the hair transplant surgery with the best way and best effect.

No matter what technique has been followed in a particular hair restoration surgery what matters most is obtaining the best number of grafts with the best results of the procedure. However, the involvement of the PRP injection is seen as a boon in the hair transplant surgery that accelerates the growth process and also helps in inducing the healing activity.

How PRP helps in inducing the outcomes of Hair transplant surgery?

  • The PRP injection emerged as a new modified way of the hair regrowth process as it helps in the proliferation of the cell to promote growth process.
  • The PRP injection is prepared from the patient’s own blood and after the concentration done by the centrifugal force helps in obtaining the high platelet count encourage the hair regrowth
  • Platelet-rich plasma helps in increasing the hard and soft-tissues that promote wound healing process
  • PRP is a safe and effective treatment in the case of Androgenic alopecia.

So, if you are experiencing the hair loss problem, it is advisable to receive the hair transplant surgery, but only with the expert plastic & cosmetic surgeon having in-depth knowledge and vast experience in the same field with many years of excellence.

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