Stress Caused Hair Loss and Hair Transplantation

Stress causes a great loss to our hair health. Stress is any condition that can influence the acceleration of hormone secretion, resulting in unbalancing the same and causes autoimmune functions to get disturbed. The disturbed autoimmune system causes the mistaken behavior of the body cells that attacks hair follicles and severe loss occur. The stress caused loss of hair is scientifically termed as the Telogen effluvium that predominantly affects the hair growth cycle as the hair roots get early entry into the Telogen (resting stage) and hair shedding gets started with severe thinning.

The prolonged or chronic stress causes a severe hair loss and a patient can get the extreme state of loss with receiving a particular Norwood grade of baldness and the solution can be applied to the method of the hair transplantation. The hair transplant cost is highly influenced by the state of hair loss and the chosen technique of the procedure that must keep in mind while selecting the clinic for receiving the procedure as an ultimate and final option.

What is Telogen Effluvium?

It is a temporary hair loss due to the disturbed hair growth cycle causes the diffused pattern of hair loss mostly among women. The temporary thinning of the hair usually occurs on the top of the scalp. The issue of Telogen effluvium usually occurs after a traumatic event, stress, and a shock. The hair loss is temporary and one gets the regrowth of hair once they receive the treatment for the same. Telogen effluvium is characterized by the severe hair thinning and an increase in hair shedding.

In the Telogen effluvium case, the Anagen stage (hair growth phase) typically gets shortened, results in fewer number of hairs enter into the next phases of the hair growth cycle and predominantly increases the percentages of hair to move into the telogen phase of the hair growth cycle. It means that hair shedding occurs.

The Causes of Telogen Effluvium:

  • Poor diet, lack of necessary vitamins, proteins, and minerals cause hair loss
  • Weight loss due to some diseases such as anorexia nervosa
  • Menopause influences the hormonal secretion and causes them to get imbalanced, results in Telogen effluvium
  • Certain medications
  • The autoimmune disorder like Alopecia areata mistakenly attacks the hair follicles as well as causing the thyroid hormone to get imbalanced and hair loss occurs

The Treatment of Telogen Effluvium:

The Treatment of stress caused Hair loss can address by the following 4 Options:

  1. Plan a balanced diet chart and follow them, which must be enriched with the essential proteins, vitamins, and minerals
  2. Counseling session to address stress and anxiety
  3. Certain medications are prescribed by the surgeons /Doctor to address Telogen effluvium
  4. Hair Transplantation is allowed if one’s looks perversely get affected.

So, the effective way to sort out the problem of the Telogen effluvium includes the option of changes in the diet and lifestyle, but the procedure of hair transplant is also allowed to regrow the natural hair with all the aesthetic concern.

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