Regain Your Youthful Appearance With Hair Transplant For High Grade Baldness

Regain Your Youthful Appearance With Hair Transplant For High Grade Baldness

Although hair loss is a medical process, it can have psychological effects that are more profound and are frequently linked to low self-esteem, social discomfort, anxiety, interpersonal problems, stress, and in some circumstances, even despair. Hair styling techniques have changed throughout the years, but one thing has remained constant: hair is important for self-esteem and is frequently used as a powerful abstract indicator of youth and attractiveness. Regrettably, some of us do not have long-lasting hair, and this number is rising quickly as a result of our fast-paced, modern lifestyles. This leads to the much-dreaded condition known as hair loss.

When life follows a normal pattern and the natural ageing process, it is simple to accept changes like hair loss, joint discomfort, poor eyesight, sagging skin, difficulties moving around, etc. But, problems like hair loss might be more difficult to handle when they manifest earlier than expected.

When hair loss is persistent, it is recommended to see a doctor rather than self-medicate. Your doctor will be able to advise you on whether a hair transplant treatment is necessary or not based on your visual symptoms, lifestyle, hair loss pattern, and other factors. If the latter is the case, then you shouldn’t be concerned. Thanks to cutting-edge medical technology and committed doctors like Dr. Suneet Soni, Head of Medispa Hair Transplant Clinic in Delhi and Jaipur, who have made it their life’s work to ensure that every patient receives the satisfactory and desired outcome of natural-looking hair through Hair Transplant procedures, the hair transplant industry has come a long way.

In terms of making decisions on the need for a hair transplant procedure, Dr. Suneet Soni, the founder of “Medispa centre,” is extremely ethical and supportive. He candidly advises for or against the procedure depending on his thorough diagnostic of the patient. He has been recognised as one of the top hair transplant surgeons in the world because of his commitment and sincerity towards his work.

How to treat high grade baldness with hair transplant?

The most effective strategy for treating high grade baldness is a combination technique. Let’s examine the advantages of this method for severe baldness.

  1. The combination procedure allows for the harvesting of a greater quantity of grafts, making it preferable for usage in cases of significant baldness
  2. While removing more grafts overall, the combination method has the most added benefit of preserving follicular grafts. This delivers the technique’s long-term benefits, which are only partially possible with FUT hair transplantation. Because the grafts are preserved, it allows for up to three further sittings in the future. If the FUE procedure is used in several sittings, the donor area would be overharvested and lose density.
  3. The combination treatment minimises the possibility of scarring after healing, making it cosmetically pleasant. In the FUT hair transplant procedure, the donor site is sutured using the trichopytic closure technique, which results in nearly undetectable scarring. Grafts are harvested using the FUE hair transplant process from a distance, minimizing scarring and making it nearly undetectable. To completely cover the linear scar created by the FUT procedure, some follicular grafts harvested using the FUE technique are planted around the scar.
  4. The combination approach involves harvesting a tiny strip, leaving about 2 cm of strip below it, and then harvesting grafts using the FUE technique from beneath the strip that was left out. The benefit of using this 2 cm leftover strip for subsequent sittings in progressive hair loss and severe baldness is therefore provided.
  5. The combination procedure primarily uses FUT, which has the benefit of having a damage rate to follicular grafts of less than 1% when carried out by skilled hands. With the FUT procedure, the strip is dissected under strong magnification to provide clear visualization and prevent harm to the follicular grafts. Unlike the FUE technique, which is carried out by digging a punch into the scalp with a rough idea and extracting the graft, it is a blind treatment that may do more damage to the hair follicles.
  6. When combination technique is applied by skilled hands with artistic sensibility, you will undoubtedly get natural results. In severe cases of baldness, a single graft obtained using either procedure would not be able to produce the same great hair transplant results. For planting in the front line and temporal triangles, single grafts made using the FUT technique are preferable. Moreover, several thick grafts that were retrieved using the FUE procedure are planted in the back line.
  7. The combination approach saves time by enabling high density hair transplantation in a single session. The patient’s goal for a denser appearance may be satisfied with this method in just one visit.

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