Hair Transplant in Hyderabad – Expert Surgeon & Best Cost

Thick and luscious hair growth on head definitely boosts your look and persona. A bald person can only know the importance of hair on your scalp. Today, the hair loss incidences are increasing that can be blamed on the dietary habits and lifestyle changes these days. The degradation of the quality of food also could be a reason to negative impact on hair growth in Hyderabad.

Hair fall is a common condition these days not just in the elderly age group but also in the younger age group. Most of the hair loss sufferers neglect the early signs of hair loss or opt for the alternative way of hiding or dealing with hair loss like wearing caps, parting hair, wigs or hair patch. But these modalities are temporary which could be really exhausting.

Hair transplant in Hyderabad has become the prime modality to deal with baldness these days. It has grown to be the most popular treatment globally for hair loss problems. The reason is the permanence of the results and the success rate.

Hair transplant is a minimally invasive surgery that includes the harvesting or the removal of the hair roots from the donor sites from the parts of body like back and sides of the head, chest, axilla, beard etc. The harvested hair roots are then transplanted to the desired bald area or hair thinning areas. The hair growth takes place gradually at the recipient area with due course of time.

The popularity of the hair transplant procedure in Hyderabad is paramount because of the advancement in this field providing the extremely natural results. The expertise of the doctors and the state of the art technology has made this procedure highly successful and worthy of choosing for the hair loss treatment.

In India, Medispa hair transplant clinic in Hyderabad has made a huge name in the field of hair transplant. We offers the best hair fall treatment which will be performed under the expert hands of our chief surgeon Dr Suneet Soni. Dr Suneet Soni is highly skilled and experienced and deals exclusively with the hair transplant treatment. He is one of the renowned plastic surgeon globally with expertise in dealing with all types of hair transplant. We cater the patients from across 25 countries globally.

Feel free to visit our world class centre in Delhi or Jaipur for a fabulous experience of hair transplant.

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Hyderabad – Medispa

Hyderabad is the capital of newly formed state in India-Telangana. In earlier times, the city was popularly known as City of Nawabs or the pearl city. The city is developing in terms of urbanization too from the last few decades.

The hair loss incidences of the population of Hyderabad is on rise just like other parts of the country. It is definite that there are plenty of clinics for hair transplant in Hyderabad. There are few reputed hair transplant clinics in Hyderabad but in terms of excellence the city couldn’t create a benchmark unlike Delhi and Jaipur that are popular globally in India for hair transplant tourism.

For hair transplant in Hyderabad, Medispa Clinic is well-known, and we have worked hard to give our patients the best and excellent results. There are many reasons why we choose hair transplantation, but in a nutshell, we can state that we are the “full package” of the best.

  1. We have our extraordinary in house surgeon Dr. Suneet Soni who is a well regarded hair transplant specialist.
  2. Our hair transplant team is the largest in India.
  3. We have a vast infrastructure with the best amenities, a technical arsenal, and a cutting-edge operatory.
  4. We follow stringent hygiene and safety procedures, including adequate operatory fumigation, tool sterilisation, and inanimate object disinfection.
  5. We think that each phase should be carried out using a high loop microscope with a German basis.
  6. We carry out every treatment using cutting-edge methods and creative approaches.
  7. We are extremely cost-effective even with all of these facilities of the highest calibre.

Dr. Suneet Soni is a “one of a kind” hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad who is renowned throughout the world for his superb surgical abilities and exceptional sense of aesthetics. His area of expertise is creating hairlines that blend in with the existing ones in the most natural way possible. His cutting-edge method of performing hair transplants is exceptional and ensures the largest amount of baldness coverage with astounding natural appearances.

If you have any questions, contact Medispa hair transplant clinic in Hyderabad to schedule an appointment.

How would you choose the best hair transplant clinic in Hyderabad?

If you’re looking for the best hair transplant in Hyderabad, you should honestly seek for the top hair transplant industry. The greatest hair transplant clinic in each city or nation should be selected based on a few important considerations.

The credentials of the surgeon should be your first point of concentration because you may be certain of the ideal results when working with a qualified surgeon. A good hair transplant is influenced by the surgeon’s behaviour as well as his or her training, experience, talents, and creative vision.

In order to complete the treatment perfectly, you should secondly check for the necessary facilities in the clinic. The clinic should feature a separate operatory with top-notch technology and a well-stocked arsenal. The clinic needs to show that it closely adheres to the sanitary guidelines. Also, the hair transplant clinic needs to have a top-notch and knowledgeable personnel since without a capable team, the hair transplant surgeon loses efficiency and the results suffer.

Thirdly, you must be able to tell what is more cost-effective and what is less expensive. Be extremely wary of services that are less expensive and stay away from the allure of discounts; instead, look for a reputable clinic that offers high-quality care at a reasonable price.

Visit the Medispa hair transplant clinic in Hyderabad for the best hair transplant at a reasonable price.

What is the Estimated Hair Transplant Cost in Hyderabad?

Concerning cosmetic therapy, there are two factors: first, the desired outcome; second, the cost of the process. Despite not knowing the clinic’s reputation, people frequently choose their hair transplant clinic solely on the basis of cost.

The number of clinics is increasing exponentially in Hyderabad as a result of the rising demand for hair transplants. The hair transplant cost in Hyderabad is declining, even with the rapid growth in the number of clinics. Yet customers should be aware that there will be certain compromises made in order to save costs by the clinic. Most clinics make compromises on the hiring of the hair transplant surgeon, its staff, and the requirements of hygiene and safety.

The proverb “Everything that glitters are not gold” holds true for hair transplant clinics as well. It’s probable that you’ll fall for enticing offers and acquire bad results. Patients from around the country and beyond now travel to the “Medispa hair transplant clinic” in Hyderabad for hair transplants. We have state-of-the-art operating rooms, great safety and hygiene standards, video assisted microscopes, graft segregation under high magnification, and all other amenities necessary for the best outcomes and patient comfort. Hence, if you’re seeking for a clinic with excellent standards and a skilled surgeon at a reasonable price, this could be your one-stop destination.

The following factors, among others, affect how much a hair transplant costs:

  1. The number of follicular grafts needed: The cost of a hair transplant is mostly based on how many grafts are needed to completely cover the bald area. The price rises as the quantity of grafts needed grows. Most clinics charge by the number of grafts, with prices varying between 40-120 INR per graft depending on the clinic’s repute.
  2. Surgeon’s educational background: The best candidates for these treatments are cosmetic surgeons who have specialisation in general surgery, super specialization in plastic surgery after pursuing medicine (MBBS, MS, MCh).
  3. The surgeon’s experience: Skilled hair transplant surgeon in Hyderabad charge slightly more than less experienced ones.
  4. Hygiene and safety requirements: If a clinic upholds strict hygiene requirements, the cost will be somewhat more. Any surgical procedure must be carried out in aseptic circumstances in order to lower the risk of infections and the occurrence of many deadly and life-threatening diseases brought on by cross-contamination.

So, it is essential to conduct thorough research before making any decisions on hair transplant clinics in Hyderabad. Cheaper services could put your health at risk and open the door to disaster. It is encouraged not to make decisions based solely on financial concerns; instead, strike a balance between quality and price.

Types of Hair Transplantation

Two different methods are included in the hair transplant procedure.

FUT: Strip harvesting is the first method. The donor area, a region of the body with somewhat healthy hair development, is used to harvest skin strips for this treatment. The recipient areas—the places where less or no hair grows—are then seeded with these excised skin strips. The donor location has a small scar that disappears within a few days.

FUE: Hair follicles are removed from the donor area and inserted into the recipient area during the second method, called FUE (Follicular unit extraction). Under local anaesthesia, the surgeon removes follicular units of 1 to 4 hairs and replants them using fine needles or micro blades, positioning them such that they seem as a genuine natural growth in the recipient area.

Robotics are now being employed for follicular extraction procedures more and more. For optimum results, doctors prescribe preoperative and postoperative medication and care. The transplanted hair takes between six and twelve months to fully and naturally grow in the recipient location.

How Does Hair Transplant Help in Enhancing Your Appearance

Combined FUT + FUE technique: This technique was developed to give optimum coverage in severe balding situations in a single session. Although keeping the hair follicles for future sittings, the procedure enables the collection of more than 4000 hair grafts. In Delhi and Jaipur, Dr. Suneet Soni debuted PRP therapy using a FUT + FUE combined procedure.

FUT + FUE + BHT combined technique: Body hair transplant is the practise of taking hair grafts from areas of the body other than the scalp and transplanting them to target areas. In order to produce a better yield of hair grafts, BHT has just been introduced using the FUT and FUE technique. The “shadow area” under the chin is where the hairs are removed. We use a high-quality 0.75 mm punch for this operation, which successfully harvests the hair transplants without leaving scars. Using this method, high density hairs can be provided in a single session.

Pre and Post Precautions

These are a few of the most important safety precautions that must be followed both before and after the hair transplant procedure:

Before hair transplant:

  1. Before and for a few days after the hair transplant process, it is preferable to wear a button-up shirt.
  2. For at least three days prior to having a hair transplant, firmly refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking. Due to the vasoconstriction these substances generate, smoking and drinking have a detrimental effect on healing.
  3. You must cease taking aspirin prior to the surgery with your doctor’s approval if you are taking it for any medical reason.
  4. Before to the procedure, you should shampoo your hair as directed by the hair transplant specialist.
  5. It is best to refrain from self-treating excessively with anything that has not been approved by your hair transplant surgeon.
  6. When you are heading outside after shampooing, put on a cap before the procedure.

After hair transplant:

  1. From the day after the treatment, routine work can begin.
  2. Using pillows, elevate your head while you sleep at a 45-degree angle.
  3. For about a month, avoid strenuous activities like working out at the gym and lifting weights.
  4. Avoid using a hot tub, sauna, steam room, or swimming for at least a month.
  5. Eat healthfully and get enough sleep
  6. After the procedure, wash your hair frequently as instructed by the hair transplant specialist.
  7. Under no circumstances should you ever touch or scratch your head.
  8. Prevent clogging the recipient region with excessive sweat and dirt.
  9. While going outside, always use a loose cap that can be removed gently without damaging newly planted hair.

Benefits of Hair Transplant

Hair transplant cosmetic surgery has a number of advantages, and as a result, it has grown in popularity as a therapeutic option for people who have hair loss.

Increases self-worth and confidence: Hair loss has a negative psychological influence on a person’s state of mind and may lead to sadness and anxiety. One loses confidence and self-worth as a result. Individuals often avoid social situations because they worry about how they appear.

A successful hair transplant could fill in any gaps in their lives and boost their self-confidence. A hair transplant gives individuals a second chance to regrow hair on their bald heads, which is nothing short of a lifesaver for people who are experiencing hair loss.

  1. Permanently fill in the bald spot: We are unsure about your natural hair, which may desert you and fall out, but transplanted hairs will undoubtedly remain loyal and persistent. There are several products on the market, both prescription and over-the-counter, that claim to treat hair loss. But a hair transplant is the only long-term fix.
  2. Minimal maintenance and minimal aftercare: Following hair transplant cosmetic surgery, maintenance and aftercare are important, just like with any other surgical operation. Yet, one advantage is that, despite your busy schedule, maintenance is not difficult to complete. Since the transplanted hairs are your own, they require no maintenance because they develop naturally. Maintaining hair density doesn’t require any chemicals or shampoos. Also, the aftercare for hair transplant patients is very manageable and doesn’t result in any morbidity. To get the best results, however, the hair transplant surgeon’s recommendations must be followed exactly.
  3. Cost-effective: Hair transplants are mistakenly thought of as expensive treatments, but based on the outcomes, they are actually a cost-effective approach that is worthwhile investing in. According to the top-notch quality and high international standards upheld by the famous clinics, hair transplantation in particular in India is fairly reasonable.

Related Procedures:

Eyebrow / Moustache hair transplant: Eyebrows are the best features of face to express yourself. The eyebrow hair transplant has become very popular these days as people are more conscious about their looks. The eyebrow hair transplant is a huge success.

The incidence of moustache hair loss or scanty hair in moustache is common these days. Moustache hair transplant is the solution for this problem. with eyebrow hair transplant or moustache hair transplant you can achieve the permanent hair growth.

Beard hair transplant: Beard hair loss is also very common these days. Today, people keep beard as fashion statement but the one with scanty beard it becomes difficult to maintain such style. Thus, beard hair transplant is a successful procedure for such patients.

beard hair transplant india

For facial hair transplant like eyebrow, moustache or beard hair transplant it is mandatory to go for an expert surgeon. The surgical skills and artistry are the most important requirements for the facial hair transplant to be a success.

Wrong hair transplant repair: Medipsa hair transplant clinic deals lots of wrong hair transplant repair cases regularly these days. The reason could be the increasing malpractice or unethical practices in the country on a larger scale. We are expert in managing the wrong hair transplant repair cases and so far have provided excellent and satisfactory results to hundreds of patients.

Wrong Hair Transplant Repair

Wrong Hair Transplant Repair

The majority of patients accept it as their fate and live with the sorrow and despair that come with hair transplantation. Some people desire to do away with the poor results and search for solutions. For problematic hair transplant repair instances, it is strongly urged that those looking for solutions do not skimp on the calibre of the hair transplant clinic or the hair transplant surgeon. Hair transplant repairs are challenging procedures that require a highly skilled hair transplant surgeon who has handled numerous instances like this.

Hair Transplant FAQs

a) What is a hair transplant?

A: Hair transplant is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are taken from a donor area (usually the back or sides of the head) and transplanted to areas of the scalp where hair is thinning or balding.

b) Who is a good candidate for a hair transplant?

A: Good candidates for hair transplant are those who have significant hair loss or thinning, have healthy hair follicles in the donor area, and have realistic expectations about the outcome of the procedure.

c) How is a hair transplant procedure performed?

A: Hair transplant procedures are typically performed under local anesthesia and can take several hours. The surgeon will remove hair follicles from the donor area and transplant them to the recipient area using microscopes and specialized instruments.

d) Are there any risks or side effects associated with hair transplant surgery?

A: Like any surgical procedure, hair transplant surgery carries some risks, such as bleeding, infection, and scarring. However, these risks can be minimized with proper preoperative planning and careful postoperative care.

e) How long does it take to recover from a hair transplant procedure?

A: Recovery times vary depending on the individual and the extent of the procedure. Most people can return to work within a few days, but it can take several weeks for the scalp to fully heal and for the transplanted hair follicles to begin producing new hair.

f) What is the success rate of hair transplant surgery?

A: Hair transplant surgery has a high success rate, with most patients achieving satisfactory results. However, the success of the procedure depends on various factors, such as the patient’s age, degree of hair loss, and quality of the donor hair.

g) How much does a hair transplant cost?

A: The cost of a hair transplant varies depending on the extent of the procedure and the geographic location of the clinic. On average, the cost can range from $4,000 to $15,000.

h) Are there any non-surgical alternatives to hair transplant surgery?

A: Yes, there are non-surgical alternatives to hair transplant surgery, such as hair loss medications (e.g., minoxidil, finasteride), low-level laser therapy, and scalp micropigmentation. However, these options may not be as effective as hair transplant surgery for more advanced hair loss cases.

i) Is it safe to undertake hair transplants?

A: Yes, it is absolutely safe to undergo hair transplant. for a successful and safe hair transplant it is mandatory to choose the best and authorized centres.

j) Which doctors perform hair transplant in Hyderabad?

A: Ideally, the hair transplant in Hyderabad can be best performed by plastic surgeon or dermatologist. The hair transplant specialist should have a certified authorization to perform the procedure.

k) Are the surgeons suitably trained and certified for hair transplant in Hyderabad?

A: The hair transplant surgeons in Hyderabad might be trained in their work but still Hyderabad has not been accounted among the best places for hair transplant tourism. It has been seen that most of the hair loss sufferers from Hyderabad prefer visiting either Jaipur or Delhi for the hair transplant treatment.

l) How to measure the results of a Hair Transplant in Hyderabad?

A: The results following hair transplant can be measured by the hair density it achieves and the appearance of the results in terms of natural looks.

m) Importance of diagnosis/alopecia test before going to a hair transplant clinic in Hyderabad?

A: It is very important to undergo the lab tests before undergoing the hair transplant as the clear diagnosis helps the surgeon in formulating the correct treatment plan.

n) How to choose the best hair transplant clinic in Hyderabad?

A: When choosing a hair transplant clinic in Hyderabad, it is important to research the clinic’s reputation, experience of the surgeon, the type of techniques used, and the cost of the procedure. You can also read reviews and testimonials from previous patients to get an idea of their experience with the clinic. It is recommended to schedule a consultation with the clinic to discuss your individual needs and concerns.

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