Is it Worthy to take FUE Hair Transplant

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) is a procedure for obtaining the follicular units/grafts from the donor portion and transfer it to the bald portion (recipient one) and there are the main differences in taking the grafts from the donor portion as compared to the FUT (Follicular unit transplant). Follicular unit extraction is an old method of extracting the grafts for the hair transplant procedure and the importance and the role is just limited to the lesser grade of baldness covering. A follicular unit is identified anatomically as a small group consisting of 1-4 hairs/hair follicles and the quality of hair are of full thickness or fine. The hair follicles are supported by the oil glands, muscles and connective tissues that support the hair follicles.

In the procedure of FUE, the Surgeon/Doctor make a single incision to take the hair follicles and it focuses on taking a single follicle unit in a single time from the single spot that leads to multiple practices of taking the grafts from  the donor portion, i.e., a time consuming and lengthy process of harvesting/extracting the follicular units as compared to FUT because in FUT procedure we harvest many follicular units from the strips of the grafts that is taken from the safe donor portion, i.e., side and back of the scalp.


The practice of FUE hair transplant is not much prominent because it is limited just in terms of taking the grafts and bound to extract the grafts in a single number by a single punch that results in multiple practices of collecting and extracting the grafts if your requirement is in the greater number of grafts. The surgeon/Doctor use the robotic punching to extract the grafts although there is a greater chance of transection rate because it based on the surgeon’s speculation to holing the portion to take the follicular units that are free from the knowing of angulation and direction of the hair roots leads to more probability of damaging rate.

So; the next time you are thinking about the hair transplant just focus on the FUT hair transplant rather than an option of FUE hair transplant.

About the author

Medispa India is internationally recognized for providing world’s best aesthetic Hair Transplantation and other Cosmetic Surgery Services under one single roof globally. Our clinics are equipped with state of the art infrastructure with the world’s best technologies.

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